Democracy and GovernanceOslo Analytica’s team of experts has broad expertise within the area of democracy and governance. The team has worked on a range of initiatives aimed at strengthening government institutions to achieve stability, prevent conflict, and reach development outcomes.

The team has experience of providing support for political system development to allow all groups to have their voices heard, and has undertaken innovative work to improve transparency and accountability in the delivery of public services. Finally, the team has extensive on-the-ground experience on political economy analysis and aid management issues.

Institution building and post-conflict

The team has experience in designing and managing public sector reform interventions to build core state functions and service delivery in fragile environments. This includes capacity development at national and decentralized levels, and innovative approaches to service delivery in conflict and post-conflict settings.

Political economy analysis

Sound political economy analysis is an essential part of the design of any development assistance intervention. Oslo Analytica has undertaken political system analysis on a range of countries and topics. The team also has extensive knowledge on governance assessment methods, theory of change and risk analysis.


Oslo Analytica’s senior democratisation specialists have experience with developing political systems in challenging environments. This includes research and policy advice on topics such as democratisation, electoral systems, and election observation.

Civil society and accountability

Oslo Analytica has operational experience from designing and managing interventions to promote the growth of civil society, to strengthen the media and to identify new methods for state-society dialogue.